terça-feira, 25 de setembro de 2007

Seymour Hersh e os blogueiros

Seymour Hersh, repórter investigativo responsável por várias denúncias contra o governo e as Forças Armadas dos EUA, escreve para a revista New Yorker desde o ano de 1973. Na semana passada, ele deu uma entrevista para o Jewish Journal. Perguntado sobre a contribuição dos blogueiros no jornalismo, disse o seguinte: "There is an enormous change taking place in this country in journalism. And it is online. We are eventually -- and I hate to tell this to the New York Times or the Washington Post -- we are going to have online newspapers, and they are going to be spectacular. And they are really going to cut into daily journalism. ...We have a vibrant, new way of communicating in America. We haven't come to terms with it. I don't think much of a lot of the stuff that is out there. But there are a lot of people doing very, very good stuff."

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