sábado, 1 de setembro de 2007

Confissões de uma universitária

O link para este blog começou a circular na internet. É, supostamente, de uma universitária americana que se diz garota de programa. Se for verdade, digo o seguinte: Bruna Surfistinha teve a idéia antes. Mas a colega lá do norte escreve beeeem melhor. Um trecho de um post do dia 30: "I want to be very clear that I recommend this lifestyle for no one. It is easy enough to cross the line because the line is invisible. Much harder still to go back, to return to a time when you shared no piece of yourself with strange men, men you don’t like, even men who don’t like you. I detached myself completely from the work I was doing and felt that I was getting off scot-free with minimal psychological impact. I was having fun at first; I felt beautiful and confident and adored and I was financially secure for the first time ever. But those nights found their way underneath my skin. They just burrowed down deep under the folds of my subconscious like a rat nestled at the bottom of a shopping bag." Valeria alguns contatos por e-mail para checar a veracidade da história. E publicar algo, claro.

Um comentário:

Thais disse...

fui la dar uma olhada e alguns trechos me deram medo, muito medo.
pergunta: porque continua, ne?