quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2008

"Tive uma idéia brilhante"

Calvin L. Hodock, autor do livro "Why Smart Companies Do Dumb Things" daria uma boa entrevista para as editorias de negócios. É sempre interessante notar que executivos de grandes empresas muitas vezes têm idéias bem ruins -- e ninguém diz isso para eles na hora certa (ou se alguém diz, eles não escutam). O Wall Street Journal publicou uma resenha. "Mr. Hodock identifies eight errors that companies can fall into when trying to innovate. At the top of his list is 'marketing misjudgment,' which is his way of saying a company has strayed from its core competency (he cites Gillette's foray into calculators and Bic's into pantyhose). Other types of missteps include bad positioning in the marketplace, producing a dreadful product (the hideous Pontiac Aztek), underestimating the competition (as Total did when it tried to challenge the supremacy of Quaker Oats in the hot-cereal business), and rushing a new product to market."

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