quinta-feira, 10 de abril de 2008

Investidores de olho na floresta

Esta notícia aqui, do SciDev.net, pode dar uma repercussão interessante. É logo ali, no nosso vizinho: "A deal between two environmental organisations has created an investment model that could generate billions of dollars for developing nations and preserve forests. The deal, struck by the Iwokrama International Centre for Rainforest Conservation and Development and environmental investment company Canopy Capital, was announced at the Biodiversity and Finance Conference in New York, United States last month (27 March). It aims to attract private investment to rainforest conservation by placing a market value on the benefits of Guyana's rainforest ecosystem (grifo meu) and the services Iworkama provides in maintaining it. The aim is to make the organisation financially independent and support its ongoing research." Bom, achei complicado. Dei um google e cheguei nesta matéria da Time, que explica melhor o modelo de negócio: "On the market: a whole rain forest". Lá aparece uma frase ótima de um cara: "Forests fall for a simple reason (...) They are worth more dead than alive."

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