quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2008

O futuro das revistas em 2018

Matéria interessante sobre o mercado de revistas publicado pelo New York Observer. As questões centrais pedem um chute futurístico: como serão as revistas daqui a 10 anos? Qual será a influência da internet? O editor da Wired, um dos entrevistados, acredita que elas não serão muito afetadas pela tecnologia: "Obviously, newspapers are going to be changing dramatically over the next few years, but magazines are not newspapers. And I think magazines 10 years from now are going to look something like they do now." Bem, o cara edita a Wired, deve saber o que fala. Outra opinião na mesma linha, da Vogue: “The strength of our magazine is that it’s not disposable and clickable,” said Sally Singer, the fashion and features director at Vogue. “It’s a fundamentally different experience from reading it online.” Leia a matéria "Where Will Magazines Be Ten Years From Now".

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