terça-feira, 14 de agosto de 2007

O futuro da busca

O cardápio do The New York Times Syndicate está oferecendo algumas matérias sobre tecnologia para quem quiser comprar. Eu destaco esta aqui, com o diretor de pesquisa do Google, Peter Norvig (foto). Quem se interessar deve entrar em contato com Isabel Amorim Sicherle, no e-mail sicheia@nytimes.com. Segue a pauta:
GOOGLE'S PETER NORVIG: THE FUTURE OF SEARCH Peter Norvig, Google's director of research, is an expert ace at building machines that answer tough questions. An authority in programming languages and artificial intelligence, he has written an oft-cited book on AI ("Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach"), has taught at the University of California, Berkeley, and the University of Southern California, and was the head of computational sciences at NASA. In 2001, Norvig came to Google to be the director of search quality. Four years later, he became Google's director of research, overseeing about 100 researchers who investigate topics that range from networking to machine translation. Technology Review spoke with Norvig to get a hint of what we can expect from search technology in the years to come. By Kate Greene. 1,200 words

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