segunda-feira, 13 de agosto de 2007

O retorno de Philip K. Dick

Sugestão de leitura: ótima esta matéria sobre o escritor Philip K. Dick publicada na nova edição da New Yorker. Vale a pena gastar um tempinho (e, quem sabe, comprar os direitos para publicar por aqui). Um trecho: "His reputation has risen through the two parallel operations that genre writers get when they get big. First, he has become a prime inspiration for the movies, becoming for contemporary science-fiction and fantasy movies what Raymond Chandler was for film noir: at least eight feature films, including “Total Recall,” “Minority Report,” “A Scanner Darkly,” and, most memorably, Ridley Scott’s “Blade Runner,” have been adapted from Dick’s books, and even more—from Terry Gilliam’s “Brazil” to the “Matrix” series—owe a defining debt to his mixture of mordant comedy and wild metaphysics."

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