sexta-feira, 17 de agosto de 2007

Sobre a felicidade no trabalho

O Wall Street Journal fez matéria sobre o livro "The Three Signs of a Miserable Job", de Patrick Lencioni, um consultor-escritor mais conhecido por seus trabalhos sobre liderança e "team- building". Em sua nova obra, o autor usa um personagem de ficção, Brian Baley, para tratar da seguinte questão: por que tantas pessoas são infelizes no trabalho? Um trecho da resenha: "The root cause of job dissatisfaction, Mr. Bailey decides, is that the basic social needs of employees are not being met. People don't go to work merely to perform a function or get paid, Mr. Bailey tells Joe, the owner of Gene and Joe's. They go to "get a sense of accomplishment, self-esteem, sanity and community." Workers are unhappy, Mr. Bailey decides, if they feel that their bosses don't know or care who they are, if they can't figure out why their job matters to others and if they have no way of measuring that effect of their work. He calls these problems "anonymity," "irrelevance" and -- somewhat clunkily -- "immeasurability." Boa pauta.

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