domingo, 29 de julho de 2007

O jornalismo no século 21

A resenha "Goodbye to Newspapers", de Russel Baker, publicada na New York Review of Books, trata de dois livros interessantes para quem acompanha os caminhos do jornalismo: "When the Press Fails: Political Power and the New Media from Iraq to Katrina", de W. Lance Bennett, Regina G. Lawrence e Steven Livingston; e "American Carnival: Journalism Under Siege in an Age of New Media", de Neil Henry. O assunto é ótimo, está na pauta dos jornais brasileiros e qualquer um desses autores daria uma ótima entrevista. Um trecho da resenha mostra que a crise é global:

"Journalism was being whittled away by a Wall Street theory that profits can be maximized by minimizing the product. Papers everywhere felt relentless demands for improved stock performance. The resulting policy of slash-and-burn cost-cutting has left the landscape littered with frail, failing, or gravely wounded newspapers which are increasingly useless to any reader who cares about what is happening in the world, the country, and the local community. Cost-cutting has reduced the number of correspondents stationed abroad, shriveled or closed news bureaus in Washington, and crippled local reporting staffs which once kept an eye on governors, mayors, state legislatures, small-town rascals, crooks, and jury suborners. It has also shrunk the size of the typical newspaper page, cutting the cost of newsprint by cutting news content."

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