segunda-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2007

As idéias de 2007

O New York Times publicou, na revista de domingo, uma retrospectiva de "idéias" que, na opinião dos jornalistas, marcaram o ano de 2007. "Editors and writers trawl the oceans of ingenuity, hoping to snag in our nets the many curious, inspired, perplexing and sometimes outright illegal innovations of the past 12 months. (...) For better or worse, these are 70 of the ideas that helped make 2007 what it was." Achei curiosa esta novidade que a publicação destaca, o e-mail póstumo: "A macabre niche in the online economy is now being filled by Web sites that allow users to send e-mail messages from beyond the grave. For a modest fee, sites like,, and will send e-mail with instructions to be followed in the event of your death. (A beneficiary notifies site administrators of your passing.)" Muito estranho.

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