sábado, 5 de janeiro de 2008

Pornografia para surdos

Boa pauta: a Deaf Bunny (cuidado ao abrir o link no trabalho) é uma produtora de filmes pornográficos voltada para o mercado de deficientes auditivos. Li sobre o assunto num dos blogs da Wired. Explica o dono da empresa, Dino Capone: "Deaf Bunny's playmates have lots to say in the movies! First of all, deaf people value ASL (American Sign Language) and "deaf culture" as a key component to their identities. When deaf people get together, it's an opportunity to share, interact and express themselves, either sexually or platonically. The dialogue in our movies represents all the emotions, facial expressions and sexual gratification that the playmates are experiencing. We embrace the importance of allowing our viewers full access to everything that is said in our movies."

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